Safety & Sustainability
Kwong Lee Farms is devoted to practicing sustainable agricultural methods to ensure that our customers only receive the highest quality produce. Our dedication ensures we not only meet, but exceed industry standards in food safety, produce grading and consistency.
Annual Food Safety Audits
Food Safety is a priority for Kwong Lee Farms and accomplished by following strict policies around Good Agricultural, Handling, and Manufacturing Practices. Each year Kwong Lee Farms is audited through a rigorous process by an independent third party firm. Key areas that are closely evaluated include water quality, worker hygiene, facility sanitation, premise security, and record keeping/traceability.
Pesticide Management Program and Residue Testing
In the event pesticides are applied; the application is applied by a professional certified licensed pesticide applicator. The application is strictly monitored and controlled to ensure safe, proper usage following both PMRA (Canada) and EPA (US) regulatory standards. Specified pre-harvest intervals are strictly followed to ensure enough time has elapsed for the produce to be harvest ready. Kwong Lee Farms periodically tests its produce by an independent laboratory for trace pesticide residues.
All Kwong Lee Farm produce is hand picked when the timing is perfect-which means the produce has been given the opportunity to come to full maturity. Careful hand picking helps prevent bruising, and damaging the produce.
Quality Control
Only the best get packed under the Big Bend label. Kwong Lee Farms produce goes through rigorous quality checks, from the initial stage when the seed is planted, to the final stage when it is loaded on a temperature controlled truck. All harvesters take the utmost care and diligence when handling produce. Produce is inspected to ensure it will meet or exceed grade standards. There are random samples taken on a consistent basis when product is brought back to the warehouse, and then put into storage. Kwong Lee Farms strives to make all our produce consistent and of the highest quality.
After grading and packing the produce, the produce is delivered to the customer in a climate-controlled truck at optimal temperature. This ensures the life of produce is maximized so it reaches the market shelf fresh for you, the consumer.